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Day 18: Continuing working on the script and deciding upon the look and feel of the App

On this week our team continued discussing the plot for our final movie which will be screened at miLAB's event. We decided to show on screen our potential users and what sort of scenarios they might encounter before using our App. For example, we will show a lazy woman getting a phone call from her trainer and ignoring him. However, when she finds out that a friend of hers will pick her up from home to go for a walk, she suddenly agrees to exercise because not only is she receiving a personal invitation in Walkii but she is also being picked up from home. Thus, we will show the power of Walkii on any other option for sports out there. Aside from the movie, we also discussed the look and feel of our App and agreed that clouds and blue sky should be used as the background for the app, since the app is for outdoor, intended for lazy people, optimistic, spontaneous and fun.

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