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Day 2: Choosing an idea

On the 16th of November our group met to discuss ideas around the topic of “meeting people". During the meeting many ideas were brought up including an app that encourages children to meet offline, an app that encourages people to do sport etc.

At the end of the meeting we decided to continue developing the topic of sports. The persona we chose was a lazy person who avoids workouts. Four ideas in the field of sports were brought up:

  1. An app connected to gyms that sends motivational notifications to its customers.

  2. An app that connects people who avoid doing sport and motivates them to workout together.

  3. An app that encourages people to do sport by giving its users prizes whenever they workout.

  4. An app that connects people who avoid doing sport with professional trainers.

Each member of the group had to answer the following questions regarding the four ideas:

  1. Who is the target audience?

  2. What is the need?

  3. What is the solution?

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